Lost Fantasy Rescue
Cats: 1   |  Dogs: 5   |  Pigs: 3

  Search Successes
Animal Success Stories

Many animals have come through our doors in the years we have been priviledged enough to do this work and for that we are very blessed. Many of our adopters have asked to include their own personal stories of the animals that they have adopted from our organization and we were happy to give them that chance.

Meet the animals who have found new homes and families who will love them just because.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Raine is doing wonderfully. We got him a turn-out coat and it didn't take too long for him to accept it. We started off by showing it to him, hanging it on the rail of his stall, putting it under his feed bucket (that boy loves to eat!), then laying it on his back and eventually sliding it over his shoulders. We started that a while before the snow started, cold is one thing, cold and wet entirely another! Anyway, he now wears his coat like a pro, I swear he gives a hugh "huff" of pleasure as you dress him! He's plump, well, rotund actually -- they all have free access to hay and Raine's been getting 2qts of grain 2x, so we've cut down on his grain a little. He and my mare have really bonded, she voluntarily hangs out with him, and they're usually side-by-side at the hay ring. He's even got the old, staid QH qelding, Harley, to play! Having a baby around is alot of fun. Everyone who comes over wants to meet him and as a result, he's getting alot of great exposure and is quite the personable character. Thank you again for choosing us for his family. Take care of yourselves and all your charges, you're doing wonderful and necessary work. Leslie